Saturday, February 6, 2021

Review You Are Loved by Mizi Wahid

 " It has become harder to love ourselves each say, especially when all we see are perfectly curated posts of other people's happiness on social media."

Buku ketiga ustaz Mizi Wahid membawa kita menelusuri konsep kasih sayang dan kesan kepada kehidupan kita.Terutamanya bagi sesiapa yang selalu merasa rendah diri, terasa diri tidak disayangi dan diperlukan oleh orang sekeliling.Pendekatan penulis menggarap buku ini berjaya membuatkan sesiapa sahaja akan ada harapan bahawa ada yang menyayangi anda di luar sana.

7 Things to Remember When You Feel Broken, Left Out & Abandoned:

- You Were Created on Purpose

- Your Mistakes Don't Define You

- Somebody Out There Loves You for Who You Are

- Forgiveness Begins with The Self

- You Are Enough

- Never Attach Your Value to People and Things

- To Know You is to Love You, So Know Yourself

Pendekatan penulis dalam mengaitkan realiti kehidupan dengan realiti beragama terasa lancar dan membuatkan buku ini sesuai dibaca sesiapa sahaja tanpa mengira agama dan bangsa. Itu kebolehan beliau menggarap karya-karya sebelum ini.

Di sini, saya kongsikan beberapa kata-kata menarik di dalam buku ini:

- Remember, Allah loves you more than you think, more than you feel. And His best rewards are saved for those who patiently persevere.

- Love is a critical for your mind and body as oxygen is. The more connected you are with love, the healthier you will be emotionally and physically.

- Friends, your knowledge and experiences will be the elements that enrich you.

Penulis mengakhiri buku ini dengan kata-kata yang healing dan menarik:

" You are enough. Enough to be loved and appreciated for who you are. And any improvements you make in your life gives you more reason to love yourself even more, and to appreciate God's generous blessings to you."

Boleh dapatkan buku ini di Iman Shoppe


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