Mengenali buku ini melalui AA Plus oleh @aidaazlin_ sebagai salah satu perbincangan Book of the Month. Buku ini ditulis oleh His Royal Higness Prince Ghazi bin Muhammad.
Buku ini dibahagikan kepada dua bahagian perbincangan, "Life" dan "Happiness". Penulis mengaitkan tujuan kita dihidupkan di muka bumi dan kaitannya bagaimana untuk mencari kebahagiaan hidup di dunia dan pastinya di akhirat sana.
Antara quotes yang aku suka daripada buku ini:
- "Indeed,happiness, as we have seen,comes from the activity of getting or having.But giving as much as we can all the time in some way to someone or something that needs it can lead to happiness."
- "From the Islamic point of view, the question 'why is life' is tantamount to asking 'why did God create human beings?'. (Az-Zariyat, 51:56)
-"All this is to say then that in order for people to be happy, society has to give people their fundamental rights.(life, religion, family and dignity, reason, property)".
- "Uninterrupted giving leads to happiness; the root of happiness is paradise; the root of paradise is divine beatitude; the root of divine beatitude is divine bliss, and divine bliss is inherent in God's perfection."
- "Happiness comes through giving our time, energy, acts, care, mercy, love, knowledge, possessions, wealth, health, and even our lives."
Buku yang akan menjadi bahan bacaan saya berulang kali semestinya sebagai muhasabah diri. Sangat bagus dijadikan permulaan bagi sesiapa yang mencari bahan bacaan motivasi diri dalam bahasa Inggeris yang mudah difahami.
nice :)
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